Using EMR Data to Support Budget Impact Modeling

Case Study:
Leveraging EMR Data to Support Budget Impact Modeling

This case study illustrates how a large pharmaceutical company utilized real-world EMR data to effectively support a budget impact model, demonstrating the value of their product to payers and securing broad formulary placement.

Key highlights include:

  • Challenge: Demonstrate potential cost savings from a new drug, showcasing its ability to reduce severe hospital stays.
  • Approach: Magnolia Market Access identified key data inputs, reimbursement methodologies, and evolving support needs based on care sites and payer types.
  • Outcome: A tailored budget impact model enabled successful payer engagement, broad commercial formulary placement, and a burden of illness study published in a peer-reviewed journal.

Download the case study to explore how real-world data can strengthen market access strategies and drive impactful payer decisions.