What Are the Top 5 Marketing Strategies Used by Pharmaceutical Companies?

What Are the Top 5 Marketing Strategies Used by Pharmaceutical Companies?

Top 5 Marketing Strategies Used by Pharmaceutical Companies Given the increasingly complex healthcare landscape and the myriad concerns that pharmaceutical companies need to juggle to ensure their products are effective and utilized in the market, pharmaceutical companies use a variety of marketing tactics to bring awareness and demonstrate value of their products. Below, we will…

What Are Payers in the Healthcare Industry?

What Are Payers in the Healthcare Industry?

A payer, or payor, is an entity, organization, or individual that acts as an intermediary between patients and healthcare professionals (HCPs), ensuring that all costs of healthcare services are covered and managed efficiently.  Payers play a crucial role in managing treatments and the finances that enable patients to receive treatments and medical services. They are…

What Is Market Access in Healthcare? 

What Is Market Access in Healthcare? 

What Is Market Access in Healthcare? Market Access in healthcare includes several strategies that ensure market entry and consumer availability of pharmaceutical and healthcare products developed by life science companies.  Market access spans healthcare and is pivotal for ensuring patients receive their treatment in a timely and affordable way. Market access involves a variety of…

What Is a Payer Value Proposition? 

What Is a Payer Value Proposition? 

A payer value proposition is a comprehensive statement that articulates the unique benefits and value of pharmaceutical, biotechnology, or medical device treatments.  This value proposition to payers can include the impact to providers, pharmacies, patients, and the healthcare system. It goes beyond clinical efficacy and safety to fully encompass the economic, humanistic, and social impacts,…

What Is Payer Segmentation?

What Is Payer Segmentation?

What Is Payer Segmentation?  Segmentation is the process of dividing a market into subsets of stakeholders who share common characteristics. In the pharmaceutical industry, segmentation of payers is a crucial process that helps companies navigate the complex healthcare landscape by identifying key influencers and connection opportunities to inform market access strategy.   Why Is Payer Segmentation…

How Do You Best Measure Medication Adherence? 

How Do You Best Measure Medication Adherence? 

Measuring Medication Adherence Using Claims Data  Medication adherence measurement is associated with better clinical outcomes and lower healthcare costs, and therefore is an important measure in health economics and outcomes research (HEOR) studies. Medical claims data offer a rich source of information about prescription fill patterns and patient behavior, allowing researchers to evaluate adherence in…

Use of Real-World Data to Support US Regulatory Submissions  

Use of Real-World Data to Support US Regulatory Submissions  

Use of Real-World Data to Support US Regulatory Submissions In July 2024, the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) finalized recommendations on using real-world data (RWD) and real-world evidence (RWE) in regulatory submissions. The FDA has increasingly recognized the importance of RWE in enhancing the regulatory process for drugs and medical devices. RWE refers to data…

Understanding New Technology Add-On Payment (NTAP)

Understanding New Technology Add-On Payment (NTAP)

Understanding New Technology Add-On Payment (NTAP) NTAP is a mechanism introduced by the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) to support the adoption of innovative medical technologies. It is significant for manufacturers because it provides additional financial incentives for hospitals to use new technologies, addressing the constraints of Medicare Severity Diagnosis Related Groups (MS-DRG)…

Demystifying the Markov Model

Demystifying the Markov Model

Demystifying the Markov Model A Markov model is a type of model which leverages an analytic framework designed to model pseudo-randomly changing systems. To accomplish this, Markov models represent the scenario as a series of mutually exclusive states with transition probabilities determining the transition between any two states over a certain time period. The probability…

What Is Cost-Effectiveness Research?

What Is Cost-Effectiveness Research?

What Is Cost-Effectiveness Analysis? Broadly speaking, cost-effectiveness research, also known as cost-effectiveness analysis, is a method of health care economic analysis that assesses and compares the difference in costs and outcomes associated with different courses of action. In the pharmaceutical industry, these analyses are typically performed to compare treatment intervention and analyze a new intervention…